
Campaigns in Argentina

Here you can find information about the local efforts against Equinor's fossil fuel expansion and ways you can get involved.

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#Atlanticazo for a fossil free Argentina Sea

Equinor, and the fossil fuel industry, is facing huge public opposition in Argentina from coastal communities, environmental lawyers, NGOs and climate groups, and more.

Since early 2022, a broad coalition of NGOs and grassroots organisations, have launched multiple legal challenges and injunctions against the state’s approval of the offshore exploration activities in the Argentine Sea. This managed to delay the oil exploration for almost two years and cast serious doubts about the impact assessment of the climate and nature impact of the projects, and the lack of opportunity for local people to be heard in the consultation process. In 2023, the Federal Court of Appeal ruled that the exploration activity could once again go ahead, which is currently being appealed.  

Since 2022, thousands of people have taken to the streets and organised against Equinor’s offshore exploration under the banner #Atlanticazo. Demonstrations have taken place up and down the country, from Buenos Aires to Mar del Plata and other coastal cities. Even though seismic activity is currently ongoing, the opposition remains as strong as ever and the fight continues. 

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