Equinor confronted over contribution to illegal occupation of Palestine

Greenpeace in Norway occupies Equinor's offices over its partnership with Ithaca Energy on the Rosebank oil field.

July 3, 2024
Equinor confronted over contribution to illegal occupation of Palestine
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The Rosebank oil field could contribute to the illegal occupation of Palestine

Greenpeace in Norway has carried out a symbolic occupation of Equinor’s offices in Oslo, Norway over its partnership with Ithaca Energy on the Rosebank oil field in the UK. The activists demanded that Equinor immediately end the partnership and cancel Rosebank.

Ithaca Energy is majority-owned by Delek Group, which since 2020 has been listed on a UN database of companies operating in Israel’s West Bank settlements. These are considered illegal under international law. Delek Group has also had ties to the Israeli military.

Rosebank is a proposed oil field off the coast of Scotland in the UK. It is the biggest undeveloped oil field in the British North Sea and could produce more emissions than the world’s 28 low-income countries do in a year, combined. The fact that the oil field is a joint venture between Equinor and Ithaca Energy means that if the field is developed, some of the vast profits from selling the oil and gas will flow to Delek Group.

Equinor’s majority-owner, the Norwegian government, has repeatedly condemned the continuing expansion of illegal Israeli settlements and has formally recognised Palestine as a state. Greenpeace in Norway argues that it’s impossible to reconcile this with Equinor’s close business ties to Ithaca Energy and Delek Group.

Greenpeace activists conduct symbolic occupation of Equinor's offices in Oslo, Norway

More than 10 000 people have signed petition against Equinor's Ithaca partnership

Greenpeace in Norway’s action lasted for nine hours and was supported by a peaceful demonstration outside the office building bringing together groups across the peace and climate movement.

A petition launched by Greenpeace has had more than 10,500 signatures and was handed in to the Norwegian Ministry of Trade.

Greenpeace activists hand in petition signatures to the Norwegian Ministry of Trade in Oslo, Norway.

Get involved

There are many ways you can get involved. Here are four things you can do today:

  • Read more about the Rosebank oil field here.
  • Sign the petition against Equinor’s partnership with Ithaca Energy here.
  • Watch the round-up video from the action on Greenpeace International's Instagram here.
  • Based in the UK? Get involved in the campaigns against the Rosebank oil field and the Peterhead power station here.