Podcast episodes about the Equinor Out campaign

Listen to interviews with campaigners and activists campaigning against Equinor’s global fossil fuel projects.

September 19, 2024
Podcast episodes about the Equinor Out campaign
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Learn more about the resistance against Equinor in new podcast series

Equinor Out coalition partner Sierra Club Canada has launched an exciting podcast series offering a deep dive into a range of climate and environmental issues including some of the local Equinor Out campaigns.

Conor Curtis, Head of Communications at Sierra Club Canada Foundation has interviewed campaigners from Equinor Out campaigns in Norway, the UK, Argentina and Costa Rica, with more to come. Listening to the episodes is a great way to learn more about the local campaigns and how we’re working together to challenge Equinor’s fossil fuel expansion.

Find the podcast series here or read on for more information about the published episodes.

Episode one: the StopRosebank campaign in the UK.

In the UK activists and concerned citizens are fighting against Equinor’s Rosebank oil field, the biggest undeveloped oil field in the UK. In this episode, Conor talks to climate and energy campaigner Stine Wilhelmsen about the Stop Rosebank campaign. Listen here.

Episode two: campaigning against fossil fuels in Norway

In this episode Conor talks  to Erlend Tellnes, a campaigner at Greenpeace Norway, about changing times in Norway, what Norwegians think about the majority state-owned energy company Equinor and. the campaign to get Equinor Out of oil and gas. Listen here

Episode three: Equinor in Argentina.

In this episode Conor talks to Juliana Orihuela, an Argentinian activist who is a member of the Assembly for a Sea Free of Oil Companies of Necochea and Quequén, and part of the Network of Coastal Communities. They talk about the campaign against Equinor’s offshore exploration in Argentina. Listen here.

Episode four: Is Norway promoting oil and gas expansion in Costa Rica?

Costa Rica was one of the first countries in the world to ban fossil fuel exploration and extraction in 2002 by executive order. Subsequent governments extended the ban until 2050. Costa Rica was one of the architects of the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance (Boga), launched at the COP26 climate summit, along with Denmark and six other core members. This “group of first movers” committed to phase out or rule out fossil fuel development in their countries. However, after a change in government there have been new threats to Costa Rica’s climate leadership.

In this episode, Conor interviews Carolina Sanchez about the prospect of oil and gas exploration being back on the table in Costa Rica, and how Norway could be playing a part. Listen here.

Stay tuned for more episodes!